¡Buenos dias! Yesterday was a day of ups and downs, as the wind gauge at the campground showed 3 distinct peaks…one from around 11 am until noon, a longer stretch of good wind from around 1 pm until 3 followed by a steep drop, then a final half hour peak near 4 pm (see graph below). I don’t have any good explanations to offer for the peaks and valleys, as the wind direction did not go more westerly during the slack periods, nor were there any substantial clouds to temporarily dampen our local thermal. The overall picture today still looks good for ample north background flow and sunny skies, so we should see a windy afternoon. The surface high pressure centered near the 4-corners region of the U.S. this morning will remain in place tomorrow, with one more good day expected. The latest model forecasts continue to show the surface pressure gradient weakening on Monday, with the background north flow falling to just below the threshold for fully activating our wind machine. Models now indicate the weak north flow will likely extend through Tuesday before a new surface high far to our north builds southward into the Baja Peninsula on Wednesday and brings us a fresh surge of north flow. Long-range forecasts show solid north flow will continue on Thursday into Friday.
- Today…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
- Sunday…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
- Monday…Sunny. North wind 10-12 mph.
- Tuesday…Sunny. North wind 10-12 mph.
- Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
- Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
- Friday…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.