¡Buenos dias! A satellite pass last evening measured light and variable winds over much of the southern Sea of Cortez, however all of the latest numerical model forecasts show solid north to north-northwest background flow establishing itself by around midday today. Another sunny day is ahead, so we will see a strong thermal boost as well. The remainder of the forecast looks on track as model forecasts are in good agreement that we’ll see a light wind day on Monday, then north flow returns again Tuesday afternoon. Norte conditions still look likely on Wednesday as surface high pressure builds into the western U.S., with solid north flow continuing through Thursday.
- Today…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
- Saturday…Sunny. North wind 20-24 mph.
- Sunday…Mostly sunny. North wind 18-22 mph.
- Monday…Sunny. Northeast wind 12-14 mph.
- Tuesday…Sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.
- Wednesday…Mostly sunny. North wind 22-26 mph and gusty.
- Thursday…Mostly sunny. North wind 16-20 mph.