Eight Eel Species of Baja

Eight Eel Species of Baja. This video introduces eight saltwater eel species living in La Ventana Bay located in the Gulf of California in Baja California Sur, Mexico. There are two eel species I have only seen once over 760 snorkels. Those are the Redsaddled Snake Eel, and the Pacific Snake Eel. The other I rarely see is the Zebra Moray, and when I do see it, it retreats beneath a rock, and stays put for longer than I care to wait. All the rest, not including the Garden Eels I see repeatedly go beneath rocks in search for food. Often a few species of fish can be seen following the eels and waiting for them to reemerge from under the rock or coral. William desertplayer@hotmail.com

Portuguese Man O’ War

If you are swimming or snorkeling, be on the lookout for Portuguese Man O’ War. Monday, May 21st, we had a boat load of them in the water during one tide. The most I have seen. The next day, snorkeled at the same time, but a different tide, back to normal. Just a couple seen during a long distance snorkel. William desertplayer@hotmail.com

Oarfish Rescue

A video of a rare deep water fish that needs help. Back in late May, I found myself trying to rescue two rare 8-foot, deep-water Oarfish from multiple beachings. I was all alone with no one to assist me. So out of desperation, I swim one out to sea. This is the story of that remarkable day. I still cry when I watch the video. This is the first time, I’ve woven a music score into one of my videos. So be prepared for a different experience with this one. Hope you like it.

Snorkling in Baja

Here’s a newer fish video: Snorkeling in Baja. There are many fish vids on my Youtube channel, Observing Baja Coral Reef Fish, Ventana Bay that I have not shared with the Ventana View. I have been documenting life around the reefs of El Sargento, identifying well over a 100 species of fish since Nov. 2017. There still exists tremendous diversity around the reefs. However, the adult fish are scarce, and the sharks along the reefs right by El Sargento, I have never seen one in over 500 snorkels. I understand there is a La Ventana dive shop owner who is working with the local shark fisherman to take tourists to see the sharks out toward Punta Arena.

So if fewer sharks are taken and a tourism industry grows around seeing the sharks, maybe they will return to the reefs where I swim? Let’s hope so. They are an important part of the ecology, as are the sardines, which haven’t returned to the shore where I filmed them last year in one of the largest returns in 25 years. In case you missed it: The Return of the Sardines. It was a magnificent thing to witness, and the video is really a tribute to “life rebounding.”

The footage I share linked below is from between Muertos Bay and Punta Arena. Hope you like it. William

The Barbershop

This video shows a symbiotic relationship between Barberfish and Mexican Goatfish. Local resident and Naturalist, Mary Sim pointed this relationship out four years ago, and minutes later I started trying to capture it on video. After hours and hours of footage hitting the cutting room floor, I finally pulled together a few clips to share. This footage was shot at a place I’ve named, “The Barbershop.” Barberfish come there to pick parasites and the Mexican Goatfish will position themselves vertically, communicating a need for parasite cleaning services. 


Triggerfish are an interesting fish. I love the way they swim, and nap right on the sea floor in the middle of the day. They are a popular eating fish, often referred to as “Chochito.” Fish populations fluctuate, right now where I snorkel, adult triggerfish are rare to see. It is my hope this population rebounds soon! Here’s some bonus triggerfish footage to go along with the longer triggerfish video.

Male Hogfish Friend Story

I observed and photographed a Male Mexican Hogfish over a 30-month period. This six minute video provides a tiny keyhole view of normal moments in the life of a Mexican Hogfish, living in Ventana Bay. For those that enjoy photography, I wanted you to know that I donated 45 photographs on display at Sara Vargas’s wonderful Art studio in Plaza del Teso. The proceeds to be split 50/50 between Sara’s Studio and Azul Cerralvo, a local foundation that helps famlies in need. Each photo is unique to my project started in the fall of 2017 called, Observing Baja Coral Reef Fish – using photography to observe and learn about sea life. Drop by Sara’s studio to see the photos. Her studio is located in Plaza Del Teso next to Kjote Coffee Shop.